About Us
Damariscotta: A Regional Focal Point
Located near the head of the Damariscotta River, twelve miles from the ocean, Damariscotta is a key focal point for mid coast Maine residents and visitors. Damariscotta's fine public and private elementary schools, high school, modern hospital and public library, thriving arts community, and diverse businesses provide residents and visitors with a full range of "modern" conveniences and opportunities in a truly unique historic and natural setting.
In addition to its many beautiful houses and buildings of the Colonial period, a unique feature of interest are the oyster shell middens along the Damariscotta river, which record Indian gatherings dating back more than 2,500 years. The Town of Damariscotta provides its residents with a full range of municipal services including a full-time police force. The town's three-season waterfront offers a convenient boat landing and a large harbor ideal for all kinds of recreational boating.
Damariscotta operates under a Selectmen/Town Meeting/Town Manager form of government. The Board of Selectmen is the municipality's executive branch as well as the agent of the municipality's legislative branch, the Town Meeting. The five Selectmen are elected at large for three-year staggered terms. The Town Manager is responsible for providing general management and administrative oversight of all operations, programs and services.