Budget Process

Budget Process
The Town's Annual Budget is approved at the Annual Town Meeting, per Section 6.01 of the Town Charter. 
Section 6.01 Annual Town Meeting
The Annual Town Meeting shall be held during the month of June of each year for municipal elections of municipal officers and other municipal officials. At such time a Moderator shall be nominated and elected by written ballot at the beginning of the Annual Town Meeting, and the Moderator shall continue to preside at the floor vote of the Annual Town Meeting. Questions to be acted upon by referendum (secret ballot) and the election of municipal officers and municipal officials shall be voted on a day in June preceding the day of the floor vote for the Annual Town Meeting and shall occur no more than seven days prior to the floor vote. As a legislative body of the Town, the Town Meeting shall have general authority for the enactment of ordinances and other legislation by the Town.
The Town Manager works with the various town departments to prepare the annual budget request which is presented to the Select Board for their consideration.  After review, the budget is then presented to the Budget Committee for their review before going back to the Select Board for the creation of the annual warrant, which is the articles that voters would be considering at the Annual Town Meeting.  The review process typically takes place between February and April with the town vote occuring in June.  
For Provider Agencies that wish to seek funding from the Town of Damariscotta's annual budget, a petition signed by, at least, 10% of the number of voters from the last gubernatorial election.  A copy of the Provider Agency Policy is available here along with a sample petition.